Writing contest De cold cases van Littleburg

Het spannende korte verhaal, Cold cases van Littleburg, gemaakt door Anne Breel

You are a witness to the exhibition Cold cases in the ZB. You have seen, with your own eyes, the unsolved murders Stientje Roelofsen dealth with. With this writing contest we challenge you to write the story behind the Cold Cases of Littleburg. Pick up your pen and tell us what happened, where it happened and why it happend.

How do you participate?

You can send in your story before the 31st of September 2024, to evenementen@dezb.nl. The maximum amount of words is 500. Writing from Belgium is also welcome!

Who can participate?

The writing contest is for everyone, even if you are not a member of the Library. The assessment will mainly be on a strong plot. Read the rules below!


  • The fifteen best stories will be announced at the award ceremony of the Zeeland Bookprice beginning of November in CineCity, Vlissingen.
  • The winner gets a signed copy of the De 21 Cold cases van Littleburg and a hand drawn Cold Case photo.
  • The numbers two and three will also get a special prize.
  • All stories will be assessed by an expert jury with Anne Breel will be the chair of.


  • You cannot participate if you are working in a Library or Provinciale Ondersteunings Instelling (POI). An exception to this rule are vollunteers  that work in a library.
  • The story can not be published, nominated or awarded at another writing contest.
  • Stories can be send from the Netherlands or Belgium and can be in Dutch or English.
  • You cannot participate if you already have literary work published at a publisher and have received royalties because of that.
  • An exception to this rule is self published work (for which you have not received royalties), even if they have been realised through a platform (such as Bookscout or Pumbo).
  • Deliver your story in a digital document .doc-, .docx (Word) of .odt-formaat.
  • The use of AI-Tools such as ChatGPT, is not allowed.
  • You can participate once during every edition of the writing contest (2024)
  • We will not correspond about the outcome of the writing contest.

The jury members

  • Anne Breel, photographer, maker of miniatuur Cold Cases, writer of The 21 Cold cases van Littleburg
  • Martien Luteijn, graphic designer
  • Robert Jan Swiers: writer of history, archeological and nature books, novels, poems and children’s books.
  • Jeanine Naerebout, vakreferent literature ZB Bibliotheek van Zeeland.